Ali Armstrong

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About Scarce

Hey guys!

Last week I shared a bit about who I am and about my family.
(No worries if you missed it. You can find it : HERE

Today I want to share with you more about Scarce. Scarce is my way of raising awareness for endangered animals and telling THEIR story.

 I paint extinct animals in black and white and endangered animals with a bit of color (or 24k gold). The amount of color I add is proportional to the remaining species population. For example, before my little team of Armstrongs came about my husband and I jumped his  motorcycle and visited zoos across mid America. We took pics of endangered animals and donated paintings to help raise money for their conservation programs.  I painted a pic of Harapan for the Cincinnati Zoo. He was the last remaining Sumatran rhino in North America ( he is now in Sumatra helping save his kind). Since there are fewer than 90 Sumatran rhinos left in WORLD, the painting of Harapan had a very small amount of color added to it. You can see the painting HERE
If I'm painting a species with greater numbers I would add a lot more color to the painting. Make sense? 

One of the fun things we get to do through Scarce is give 10% of  sales to help fight extinction and the illegal wildlife trade.

You can also discover all the different animals I've painted

Can you guess how I start each painting? I’ll answer wondering minds next week.

Until then,
